My Favorite Things About Easter

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Easter is still a few weeks away, but it is approaching quickly.  SocialMoms and Universal Pictures have asked bloggers to write about their favorite Easter traditions.  There are many things that I enjoy about the Easter season, but these are my three favorite things.

    1. I love coloring Easter eggs.  The eggs my kids and I make don’t look as good as the ones in the picture above, but we try.  We used to use the store bought dye kits, but lately we have been experimenting with using natural dyes to  make our Easter eggs colorful.  You can use turmeric for yellow eggs, blueberries for purple eggs, beets for red eggs and onion skins for orange eggs.  It is amazing how rich and vibrant eggs can be with only natural materials.  Plus since we homeschool we can turn it into a science lesson on natural dyes.  Last year we weren’t able to get a good green egg from natural dyes, so this year that is our mission.  I will certainly be posting pictures of our eggs on my blog once the holiday gets closer.
    2. Spring – Easter means spring has officially arrived.  Sure there have been years we have had outdoor Easter egg hunts with snow banks and boots, but even then you know warmer weather is just around the corner.  Easter flowers are blooming and whole atmosphere is one of optimism and new growth.  Especially in a year like this one in which the winter has seemed endless, Easter is a welcome holiday.  This year Easter is late enough that we should definitely have flowers blooming and green grass.
    3. Easter Baskets – In our house the Easter bunny hides the Easter baskets when he drops them off.  He has be to very resourceful in hiding the baskets, especially as the kids get older.  He also has to make sure he doesn’t hide them anywhere dog would find them first, or there would be nothing left for the kids and a vet visit for the dog.  He has been known to hide them in the oven, washing machine, clothes hampers and closet shelves.  The kids love looking for their baskets, and there have been years they haven’t been able to find them before church.

Easter is a fun holiday, and I can’t wait for it to get here.


Hi, I’m Anne!

I love to cook and I want to share my recipes with you. I believe cooking should be approachable and fun, not a chore. I want to make simple recipes using everyday ingredients that you can make again and again, whether it is for a busy weeknight, a summer cookout or a special dessert. Read more...

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