family fun

Enjoying Wonderworks and Canyon Climb at Destiny USA

The new Wonderworks attraction has opened at the Destiny USA Mall in Syracuse, NY, and I had the chance to visit with my family!  It is a great place to go for hours of family fun.  It is actually in the Mall, and integrated quite well with it.  The Canyon Cavern Ropes course goes out over the Mall, and is hard to miss. When my family and I first walked in to the Mall we were a little unnerved to see people on ropes high above our heads!  We headed upstairs and found the entrance to Wonderworks, an upside down house that seems to have landed right in the middle of the Mall.

Wonderworks at Destiny USA syracuse

After you go in and get your tickets you have to go through an inversion tunnel to “reorient” yourself for the experience.  This is amazing, and really makes you feel like you are going to fall over, since the lights moving fast all around you give the sensation of motion.  It is a great start to the exhibits, many of which are about optical illusions and virtual reality.

Wordless Wednesday–Boating Fun

We have had such a warm spring that for the first time in years we were able to get our boat in the water by Memorial Day.  Hopefully this is the start of a great summer!

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