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Ten Time Saving Tip for Busy Moms

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I think all moms are busy moms, I’ve certainly never met one felt they had time to get everything done.  The world moves at such a fast pace that it seems like there is never enough time for everything.  Here are some tips for busy moms.

  1. Get Help – When it comes to things like household chores you should not try to do it all.  Get help from your spouse or kids.
  2. Lower Your Standards – This is especially important if your kids are helping with the chores.  I could clean their bathroom better than they can.  But the way they do it is good enough, so just check that they have done what they were told and don’t point out the small spot of toothpaste they left on the counter.  1193877_75283702
  3. Plan for the Unexpected = Small unplanned emergencies happen all the time. The dog throws up, the dishwasher breaks, Sony’s database gets hacked and my email address and password ends up exposed on the internet.  If you schedule yourself so tightly you have no margin these small emergencies can send you into a tailspin.
  4. Prioritize = Do the things that matter the most.  For me cooking dinner every night is a high priority, and so is sweeping up dog hair.  Cleaning out the front hall closet would be great, but it is a much lower priority so it probably won’t get done for a while.  Putting down weed killer on the front lawn is a very low priority for me, so it probably won’t happen at all.
  5. Say No – The more things you agree to do the less time you have for your home and family.  I know that volunteering at the local food bank is a worthwhile cause, but this is not the time in my life I can help with that.
  6. Simplify – The more stuff you have the more you have to clean.  If you streamline your house and possessions you will feel like you have more time.  I still need a lot of work in this area to be honest!
  7. Organize – This goes along with simplifying.  If you know where things are you don’t have to search all over the house.  We are constantly searching the house for the key to our barn, since it doesn’t get put back where it goes.  This is a waste of time and energy.
  8. Do Things Online = You can pay bills or shop online to save time. I can go online and see what library books I have due and make sure they are ready to go back.  Of course if you go online to pay bills and end up spending an hour on Facebook it doesn’t help much, so you have to be careful to be productive.
  9. Have a running shopping list – My husband got me an electronic shopping list last Christmas.  When we run out of something you say the name of the item and it is recorded.  Then when I am ready to make my list I print it out.  Of course you could do something similar with a white board, but keeping track in some way can prevent last minute shopping trips for something you forgot.1277878_24146173
  10. Don’t compare yourself to others – Sure there are probably friends of yours who are better in some areas than you are, but they are probably worse in others.  So don’t beat yourself up over what you need to improve and accept that you aren’t perfect.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Starbucks blogging program, for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


Hi, I’m Anne!

I love to cook and I want to share my recipes with you. I believe cooking should be approachable and fun, not a chore. I want to make simple recipes using everyday ingredients that you can make again and again, whether it is for a busy weeknight, a summer cookout or a special dessert. Read more...

2 thoughts on “Ten Time Saving Tip for Busy Moms”

  1. Get in the habit and teach the kids: Clean as you go and work clean! Cooking is an easy example: after you measure anything: put the container away. After you chop anything: put the waste where itbelongs whether that’s the compost bin, trash or garbage disposal. if you have a moment while waiting for something to heat, or cool; tidy up, wash items you’ve finished with or put them in the DW. By the time the meal is ready, the kitchen should be nearly clean. Leaving the clean up until later and creating a separate clean up task is a waste of time and effort. clean as you go and you’ll find yourself working more cleanly. The dirty spoon goes from stirring the pot to sitting in the sink without stopping on the counter and leaving another mess. Anything you don’t get dirty, you don’t have to clean!

    The habit applies everywhere from art projects, to getting ready for bed to creating huge Lego monster cities.


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