I got some frozen fruit bars to review yesterday, and they came packed in dry ice. So of course we had to have fun doing some science experiments with the dry ice!
A little hot water and food coloring can provide quite a lot of entertainment. We also added soap bubbles to mixture, and put dry ice into our wok cauldron. Here is my favorite on video.
That is so cool!
Oh that is so awesome!!! LOVE the picture!
That looks like so much fun!
Hay, I wanna do that. Looks like fun. Perfect for Halloween time too.
Oh, what fun! I stumble discovered this post.
It does look like Halloween – witch’s brew!! lol
We love when we get dry ice, it is so much fun to play with. This looks so cool!
Now those are cool!!!
Oh my gosh how fun is that. We get dry ice all the time, I’m so doing this. That bubble was neat!
This is AWESOME!!! Stumbled it for you!~
I stumble discovered this post. My boys would dig this. We love when we get dry ice, it is so much fun to play with.
That turned out super awesome!!!!! I was waiting for the bubbles to explode.