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Progress in Home Organization

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This week is winter break week for the schools around here, so all of our outside classes are cancelled.  This frees up the 2 hours or so a day I spend driving my kids to classes, so I am actually getting some things accomplished around the house!  I sorted through my closet and dresser and got rid of a lot of clothes that I don’t need.  For example, for some reason I had a bunch of red shirts and sweaters, most of which I have never even worn.  I look awful in red, it does not go with my pale skin tone at all.  So even though some of these are gorgeous cashmere sweaters they are all going to the Salvation Army.

red clothes

I also got rid a bunch of clothes that I am just tired of because I have been wearing them too long.  In the end I ended up with a huge pile of clothes to donate.

big pile of clothes

It is great, I can actually see the clothes that I kept because my closet is no longer overstuffed.  I am trying to actually wear some of the things I had forgotten I owned and add a little more variety to my wardrobe.  I am still not at the point in my weight loss that I need to buy new clothes, but if I keep making progress I will soon enough.  Now at least I have room in my closet for some new outfits!  Hopefully I will also be able to get the kitchen pantry cleaned out and organized before the break week ends and I am back to being a chauffeur.  How about you, what projects are you working on?


Hi, Iโ€™m Anne!

I love to cook and I want to share my recipes with you. I believe cooking should be approachable and fun, not a chore. I want to make simple recipes using everyday ingredients that you can make again and again, whether it is for a busy weeknight, a summer cookout or a special dessert. Read more...

3 thoughts on “Progress in Home Organization”

  1. I finally finished redecorating and organizing our master bedroom. I’m hoping to blog about it tonight. Next I started my son’s room – packing away his old clothes that don’t fit, finally taking down the crib, and rearranging his room a bit. The fact that he wants to “help” has slowed down my progress significantly.


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