Starting a New College and Growing Up

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Today is a big day for my 20 year old daughter Grace.  She transferred to a new college, and today is her first day at her new school. This is bringing all kinds of changes, and one of the biggest is that she is not living in the dorm anymore, but moving into an apartment.

New Apartment

She is both excited and nervous, because she says it seems like she is really grown up now and living away from home. It seems like end of those standard teenage things, like fighting with Mom about bedtime, being told to do chores, and acne.  Oh wait – she isn’t done with acne! Unfortunately she still has breakouts, and the stress of starting a new school seems to have made it worse towards the end of this summer.

The last thing she wants when she is meeting new friends and trying to fit in is pimples!

Ready for College

I am glad that Grace has one less thing to worry about with all the changes going on in her life right now.  Starting her new college today is another big step for her on the journey to becoming an adult, and should be the start of a great school year.


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9 thoughts on “Starting a New College and Growing Up”

  1. She looks great so happy that Clearasil is working for her because on big day like the first day at her new college she should be happy on a great accomplishment.

  2. congrats to grace on her new school! i hope she has a great first week 🙂

    i am going to get some of these pads thursday for myself. i keep hearing so many good things about them!

  3. Congrats!! What a great accomplishment for such a young age!!My daughter is 13 and clearasil is an amazing product. We use it a little more than I want to! 🙂

  4. How strong a fruit scent do they have? Could my college age son use them or are they too “fruity”. He needs gentle skin care problems but not something that would smell too feminine.

    • Unfortunately I’d guess it would be too “perfumey” for a guy, especially a teenage one, because the scent is fairly strong. It dissipates pretty quickly, but still it would probably not appeal to him.

  5. This line is great. My 17 year old has been using the wash and the pads too and it’s made a huge difference on her facial appearance. I’ve been using the scrub and I really like it.


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