YesVideo Transfer Service Review and Giveaway

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My husband and I bought our first video camera during my first pregnancy 19 years ago.  We bought an 8mm camera, and took video frequently when our children were young.  Then the camera broke and technology changed and everything went digital.  As a result we have a huge box of 8mm video tapes that we never even look at.  In fact my 15 year old daughter didn’t even realize we had video footage from when she was a baby, so I doubt we have watched one of those videos in at least 10 years!

Mixed-Media-to-DVDNow it is possible to get those old video tapes and slides transferred to DVD.  YesVideo provides a way to bring video and photo memories into the digital age.  They can take your video tapes, reel to reel tapes, old home movies, slides and photographs and transfer them to DVD so you can enjoy them for years to come.

I had the chance to use YesVideo’s services to transfer three of my old 8mm video tapes to DVD.  It was a very simple process, I placed an order online and then mailed my videotapes to YesVideo.  About 10 days later I received 3 DVDs in the mail, and my 8mm tapes back as well.

yes video dvdsThe DVDS are everything I hoped they would be!  My children and I enjoyed watching them on our TV and our computer, and it is fun to see the children when they were so small.  Now that they are teenagers it is hard to even remember how cute they were as babies!  I enjoyed watching scenes I had totally forgotten about, like my girls playing with the big blue bouquet of balloons after their little brother was born.  yesvideo3yesvideo2

My DVDs are each about 2 hours long and have 54 chapters, so it is easy to skip around and find what you are looking for, which of course is not possible at all with video tapes.  The DVDs also include 3 one-minute music video highlights that have a montage of scenes from the DVD.  These are a nice bonus, and are fun to watch.  When you order online you get to pick the title, theme and background music that will be on the DVD.  I picked 3 different themes, Standard, Baby and Children, so all the boxes have different art.


Hi, I’m Anne!

I love to cook and I want to share my recipes with you. I believe cooking should be approachable and fun, not a chore. I want to make simple recipes using everyday ingredients that you can make again and again, whether it is for a busy weeknight, a summer cookout or a special dessert. Read more...

36 thoughts on “YesVideo Transfer Service Review and Giveaway”

  1. it funny that this contest came up cause i was just thinking what a greaT christmas present it would be for my mom to be able to watch her old reel movies


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