Grilling Buffalo Chicken Wings – Perfect for Father’s Day

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Father’s Day is the traditional time to celebrate with your family and let Dad know how much he means! But this year my girls are both going to be out of town on Father’s Day, and my son is working at a Boy Scout fundraiser all day.  So we decided to have our celebration a week early this year, and have a cookout with some grilled Buffalo Style Chicken Wings.

I knew my husband would love the spiciness of the wings, and I love not having to do much preparation except heat the grill. Quick and easy meals are always my favorite.

This spring hasn’t been the greatest for my husband, because he hurt his back a few weeks ago.  He is always on the go and doing projects, but he has had to spend most of the past month sitting around, resting up and healing. Luckily the kids were able to finish getting the boat ready for the summer after he hurt his back, so at least he has been able to do some of his resting in his favorite spot, out on the water.

Relaxing on the Boat

So we started out our early Father’s Day with an afternoon boat trip, during which we did absolutely nothing except relax, since it is still too cold to swim here.  It was nice just enjoying the sunshine and spending time together though.  My husband and the kids wanted to go back out after dinner to fish, so they didn’t want me spend a long time making dinner, which was fine with me!  The chicken wings are a perfect simple meal, since you can just grill them frozen straight out of the bag.

Tyson Wings on the Grill

To go along with the meal I made Salt Potatoes, since those are my husband’s favorite summer time food.  These are a traditional Upstate NY dish that involves boiling small potatoes with a pound of salt and drenching them in butter. They are not very healthy, but quite tasty!  Another great addition would be Buffalo chicken egg rolls!

Summer Grilling with Tyson Wings

The wings were perfect on the grill, and had just enough spiciness.  I have tried to make chicken wings from scratch before, but it has never worked out.  It is hard to get the seasoning right, and the sauce doesn’t stick, and it was not worth the fuss.  The convenience of just being able to throw them on the grill and let them cook while I made some side dishes was great.

Cookout with Tyson Wings

You can see my husband loaded up his plate with his favorites, the wings and potatoes, although he did eventually eat an ear of corn too.  I don’t think he saved any room for eggplant!

Father's Day Dinner with Tyson Buffalo Wings

Everyone loved the wings, and the kids gobbled them up, even my picky 17 year old. My son managed to get sauce all over his face and hands, and ate almost as many wings as my husband.

Eating Tyson Wings

We had a great cook out, and enjoyed the nice weather, summer grilling and eating outside.  After dinner they went back out in the boat and caught a few (small) fish, so the day was a success all the way around.

tyson wings-4

Let me know how you are celebrating this Father’s Day!


Hi, I’m Anne!

I love to cook and I want to share my recipes with you. I believe cooking should be approachable and fun, not a chore. I want to make simple recipes using everyday ingredients that you can make again and again, whether it is for a busy weeknight, a summer cookout or a special dessert. Read more...

8 thoughts on “Grilling Buffalo Chicken Wings – Perfect for Father’s Day”

  1. These may become my new obsession. I love hot wings but I hate making them from scratch. I didn’t realize you could grill them frozen. That is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing.


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