Wordless Wednesday–Mailboxes

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We live on a rural road, and all the mailboxes are on one side of the street – our side.  This means we have 4 mailboxes in our front yard.  Of course this shouldn’t be a big deal, since most people have normal looking mailboxes, like these:


Except for one of our neighbors.



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22 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday–Mailboxes”

  1. My first thought is that the plow drivers must have connected with the mailbox a few times. After that, I’d assess the owner to find out if they have the skill/money to repair it. If not…maybe in the spring….contact each of the owners and say you’re working on your yard and you’d like to spruce up the mailbox area some. Fix the mailbox and plant some flowers around them all. This way that particular owner doesn’t feel targeted.
    Or…you could talk to the mail man if you catch him, find out if this is a problem and report them if so. The the PO can be the bad guy.

  2. Oh man this is too funny! sorry I have to laugh! I would be irritated too though. What would I do? I think I would go out there with some nails..(not rope..or whatever they were using) and fix it for them. lol!

  3. The neighborly thing to do would be for you and the other two neighbors who share your yard to go in together and build them a new stand and paint their old mailbox. A mailbox that big is pretty expensive. Maybe the husband doesn’t have the know-how to build a stand. Imagine their surprise and relief to see a new stand for their mailboxes!

  4. I probably wouldn’t do anything, but my husband would have already fixed it- even if it is a neighbors. He loves to piddle and he would hate the way it looked, so he’d go ahead and build a new stand. This makes me think whoever owns this mailbox is LAY-ZAY. Sorry it’s in front of your home!


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